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Irma P. Hall
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Taught foreign languages and English for 27 years in Dallas, Texas, USA public schools.

Became an actress rather late in life and completely by surprise. A teacher of languages for almost three decades in Dallas, she was seen reading poetry by actor/director Raymond St. Jacques, who was in town shooting a movie, and he offered her a role in his film on the spot.

Co-founded a minor repertory theater in Dallas during her teaching years.

Hit 'over-night' film stardom at age 36 in Book of Numbers (1973), starring Raymond St. Jacques

24 January 2004 - Injured in a car wreck in Chicago and is requiring post-surgery rehabilitation.

Irma P. Hall stared in:

Title Year Saw with/at: Scene On Rating
Backdraft 1991 With Trish at Showcase Orange 0000-00-00 *** 1/2
Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil 1997 2001-05-18 ** 1/2
The Ladykillers 2004 at Showcase Orange 2004-04-08 ** 1/2
Collateral 2004 Suzy on DVD 2005-01-28 *** 1/2